Adeona Mitchelton
Relationship-based Childcare in Mitchelton
Brisbane’s primary care & RIE® inspired early childhood education centre—exceeding national quality standards.
Adeona’s Mitchelton childcare centre is conveniently located on Brisbane’s northside in Mitchelton’s leafy suburban Nicholson street—just around the corner from Brookside Shopping Centre.
We’re a small day care centre in Brisbane with a big community. Placing a strong value on children and families first languages, Adeona Mitchelton employs a diverse team who can speak a wide array of languages to promote a sense of belonging for all children and families within our space.
Our beautiful centre provides the children and Educators with access to a large outdoor environment that gives children the opportunity to engage with nature and wildlife. Developed with an educaring approach in mind, Adeona’s Mitchelton child care centre is one of few exceeding child care centres Brisbane has to offer.
The Adeona Mitchelton Team
Adeona Mitchelton is a safe, inviting and inspiring environment that empowers our team of skilled and passionate Educators to provide high-quality care for children backed by a philosophy driven by respect, trust, play and learning.
We’re more than just a daycare centre in Brisbane—Adeona’s Mitchelton kindy provides a truly unique learning environment and tightknit community where primary care is key. From the Adeona podcast to family information nights, events and groups, like our father’s group with the fathering project, we aim to provide our families with everything they could ever need.

Rooms & Age Groups
Blue Tribe
15 months – 2.5 years
$137 per day
Care is the curriculum in our Blue Tribe room. Educators use care moments like sleep times, meal times and toileting/nappy times to build upon their relationships with children and help children understand themselves and their bodies.
Our Educators add resources to the environment based upon the children’s interests. Through sensitive observation, resources are selected and added to the space to encourage children to build upon their development in their own way, in their own time.
Red Tribe
2 years – 3.5 years
$135 per day
Red Tribe extends upon our Blue Tribe program by meeting children where they are at developmentally. While care moments are still very important times within this age group, our Educators begin to introduce more experiences that can be carried out throughout the environment.
Children have the opportunity to continue to explore the space freely or meet our Educators at the tables for experiences like play dough, painting, drawing, etc.
Yellow Tribe
3.5 years – 5 years
$135 per day (15 hours per week free Kindergarten available to eligible children)
The Yellow Tribe program is developed by our Early Childhood Teacher and introduces experiences that promote the skills that will allow children to thrive once they commence school.
We focus heavily on building social and emotional skills, as well as growing a sense of interdependence within the children. Children within this room value relationships with their peers, so care moments in this space are centred around not only spending time with their Educators, but with their peers as well.
The children learn vital skills through project-based work, where they investigate topics of interest deeply both independently and with the help of their peers and Educators.

Operating Hours
Monday – Friday: 7 am – 6 pm
Closed weekends and public holidays.
Our Mitchelton kindergarten is visited weekly by our Spanish teacher who engages children in bilingual experiences. These experiences are complemented through the week by our Spanish speaking Educators.
Likewise, our Mitchelton childcare centre has a number of bilingual Educators. This is not only vital in promoting a sense of belonging for all children and families, but has many developmental benefits. Studies show that bilingual experiences improve the brain’s command centre, thus giving it the ability to plan, solve problems and perform other mentally demanding tasks.
Daily Childcare Inclusions
- Delicious and nutritious morning teas, lunches and afternoon teas
- Hats and sunscreen to ensure sun protection
- Nappies are also included

Communication is key at Adeona Mitchelton and as such we use StoryPark, a program where photos, documentation and discussions with Educators can be shared instantly through emails or the easy to use StoryPark app.
Information about the children’s day can also be viewed in your child’s room at the end of the day.
Adeona Podcast
We understand that attending parent information nights is often difficult, however families still want information on theories, research and ideas around raising children as well as specific explanations of the principles and philosophy underpinning Adeona’s practice.
In response to finding a non-contact way to effectively communicate with families, and provide them with the tools and resources they need to better understand and meaningfully engage with their children, the Adeona Podcast: An Early Childhood Journey was born.
Available through our website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and a host of other platforms, Tracy and Zoe cover a wide range of topics including childcare, childhood development, and parenting with more being added frequently.
Book A Tour
We know it can be difficult to find a childcare centre that’s the right fit for your family, which is why we encourage anyone who is considering becoming a part of the Adeona community to book a tour of our early learning centre.
Touring our Brisbane daycare centre gives you the opportunity to meet our Centre’s Director, the Educators and learn more about our approach to education and care. Likewise, tours give you the opportunity to ask any questions so you can ensure our Mitchelton childcare centre is right for you.